If you run a limited company our accountancy business can help where you need it most.
If you run a Limited company and need to help of professional and qualified accountants, you’re in the right place. With a wealth of experience, we help Limited (LTD) companies with their accounting needs daily.
Legal compliance requirements in the UK for Limited Companies are a lot higher than sole traders. However, there are many advantages to structure a new business in a form of Limited Company.
Here summary of compliance obligations of owning a Limited Company:
Directors' responsibility
Comply to operate in accordance with its article of association, keeping company records, keeping statutory records up to date and publishing required documents on Companies House, file company accounts and tax return, display company name, registration number, address and contact details on communications.
Taking money out of a Limited Company must be structured via Salaries & expenses and benefits, dividends, managing directors loan accounts. We can certainly plan a pay structure for you at tax efficient way. Please don’t get this confused with Sole Trader accounts as the fines and tax liability can be significant and there can be prosecution for wrongful trading if it’s not managed appropriately.
Companies House
You must ensure information on Companies House are correct with address details, directors’ details, details of PSC, statement of capital and shareholders information, SIC codes and ensure any changes are filed to Companies House and must declare “Confirmation Statement” every year. You must file your Limited Company Annual Accounts on Companies House within 9 months from company yearend date.
HMRC: You must file full set of Limited Company Annual Accounts with Corporation Tax Computation and CT600 Form to HMRC within 12 months from company yearend date.
Corporation tax is a complicated area for all Limited Companies and requires specialist to ensure and assess permanent and timing differences, capital allowances eligibility of any assets, manage disposals or sale of assets for tax treatments, calculation of balancing charges and applying correct capital allowances per asset. You need a proper Fixed Assets Register (FAR) listing each identical company assets and this list must be maintained and reviewed for additions, sale of assets, disposals, impairment and revaluation. This list plays a key role with capital allowances in calculation of corporation tax. There are also other factors affecting corporation tax calculations and will need to be assessed and applied accordingly.
Another complication is deferred tax provision for companies reporting as a small company when there is a timing differences between net book value of company’s Fixed Assets comparing with tax written down amount.
In general rule, corporation tax follows accounting treatment in the annual accounts. If you get your annual accounts wrong, then corporation tax calculation will be wrong too.
Full set of Limited Company Annual Accounts are prepared based on assessment of your business suitable to report as a Micro entity (under FRS105) or small entity (under FRS102 Section 1A). There are disclosure requirements.
Financial Reporting Council published new FRS standards as a final version, and all Limited Companies will have to report under new rules from 01/01/2026. Early adoption is also permitted. There will be reporting changes ahead and please get in touch to find out how it will impact your company.
Statutory obligations
You must keep record of dividends declaration, Annual General Meetings (AGMs), board meeting minutes, shareholders vote and resolutions, loans & debentures, indemnities, share purchases, mortgages secured against company etc
Running a Limited company is never easy but accounts are the pivotal part of a business that can make or break it and with the right accountants on board you will give your success a much better probability.
If you have employees then you will have other obligations to comply with such as complying with employer obligations, health and safety, employer liability insurance.
Initial consultation is free, please get in touch with us.
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